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Standing at the crossroads – We can turn the tide as a survival imperative

by Cristiane Roget, Sr. Correspondent AdAvenueGroup/Forbes – Editor Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce.

While the canals of Venice are reportedly clear and quiet reigns across the land, is the worldwide pandemic one more eulogy for great things we have lost or has the world turned on its axis? Not as a place but a state of mind.

As Eric Utne posits in a recent New York Times Op-Ed, “We need a hyper local Green New Deal. We need to come together as a unified species living in diverse, intimate, plant based communities made possible by pre manufactured , assembly plant style habitats with micro employment readily available.

By consciously segueing from the techno -industrial complex controlled by two legged Dinosaurs and their minions we have the time and frame of mind to adapt, evolve and create a planetary sequel. As the modern economist Ernst F. Schumacher said in his Tome ‘ Small Is Beautiful’, “Wisdom demands a new orientation of science and technology toward the organic, the gentle, the elegant and beautiful.” We have the means to live within a smaller scale, less energy intensive and within more localized communities”.

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We can evolve by adopting a new mindset that prizes the elimination of obscene waste, community gardens in vast swaths of public spaces; for example ‘underneath Metro Rails in lei of useless shrubbery’ as Patrice Gillespie of Miami Dade Public Image would advance on the deaf ears of self serving politicos. Knowledge sharing is readily available online, inclusivity within generations and ethnicities. We are capable of learning from cultures that thrive with less and act as stewards of our planet. Not because we or they know the end game, but, because in our hearts and minds we have the conviction and certainty, it is the right way to live on our vulnerable Mother Earth.

One can imagine that Covid – 19 is a siren in the quarantined calm. A pulsating warning that the time is now to correct a world on a fast track to rapid economic collapse, climate chaos, social unrest, famine and near term extinction where our species is but a blink in the eons of infinite time. Visit the short version of Francis Ford Coppola’s Koyaanisqatsi

Uma Lal, a citizen of Hopatcong, New Jersey, says “We cannot run away from our history. We can face it head on and apply our intelligence and empathy to create a better history for tomorrow. ” Imagine a world for our great grandchildren and strive toward that.” Ultimately the best thing we can do in times of uncertainty is acknowledge another ‘First’ – we have found our voice to join in a global conversation in real time. Can you imagine if we could harness the power of solidarity for the greater good? Alone we can do so little together individually we can do so much.

Many in Miami to New York skyscrapers describe the unsettling feeling of this past Summer and Spring as living on a “vertical cruise ship”., Art New Guide to Toppled Statues – Black Lives Movement

Your Invitation to Submit Your 'Breaking News', 'Latest Business Development' or Desire to Buy or Sell a Business

Hello, Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce Members,

We are inviting our Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce Member team of correspondents to submit original news reports and media alerts.  We are confident this information will be useful, accurate and informative. We, also encourage you to re-post these news items on your online platforms.

PacRim CC is also launching a new service that will allow you to buy and sell your small business. This campaign will be launched on February 12, 2021 (02/12/21)

The articles published herein, have been edited and revised to fit our editorial guidelines.  That is,  to provide the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce Membership, (comprised of twenty four nations and representing over 400, 000 sole proprietors)  with the news that is compelling and serves to enhance the connectivity between people that are pursuing their dreams and making a  living doing so. 

Articles appearing in this website are either original reportage or syndicated news that has been vetted by Mr. Holmes Stoner, Founder of the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce and the Pacific Rim Business Council.  The articles printed are arbitrated by Mr. Holmes Stoner. Mr. Stoner, a resident of Marina del Rey, California and an esteemed Ambassador-at-Large throughout the Pacific Rim’s twenty-four nations. 

Best attempts are made to provide objective reporting that does not adhere or advance any political line, religious persuasion or advance any sovereign nation over another.   Our goal is to enhance and further a dialogue among peoples around the globe.

As a standing member of the Pacific Chamber of Commerce you and your associates and colleagues are invited to share with your fellow members stories of your achievements, developments in your business, insights on how to improve engagement with other businesses, clients and customers. 

You may also use the Pacific Rim CC website as a platform to advance and circulate information that advances environmental conservation, cultural interchange and robust trade with participating members. 

Submit your media alerts, press releases, stories, insights or news of your achievements in a Word form document.  Limit your submission to less than 400 words.  Also attach a jpeg photo or illustration and a headline.  Include your company logo or trade mark and submit a publishing fee of $25.USD.  Your article will be featured on the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce website within 48 hours after receipt and in some cases aggregated on AdAvenueGroup’s news and media outlets  and publish, proprietary websites and down line of 1.8 million editors, reporters, bloggers and influencers for an additional optional fee. 

Email to  Attention Cristiane Roget , Senior Editor, 310- 220-9118 EST

Purchase Submission  25.00$ –  [purchase_link id=”3290″ text=”Purchase 25.00$” style=”button” color=”yellow”]


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