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Trade in LA, Manila, Sofia, Shanghai, Tel Aviv, NYC and Accra

 Global Weekly Update Trade in LA, Manila, Sofia, Shanghai, Tel Aviv, NYC and AccraJoin Tuesday for our LA Meetup, and earlier with experts on Mexico law changes, then Thursday with Ben Fisher on Google My Business plus many meetups.Also don’t miss the GC Sofia meetup this week, and CA vs TX with amazing speakers next week… especially Christine Peterson, City of Los Angeles here. In the next phase of global trade, we encourage you to leverage the virtual, trusted resources of Global Chamber® to grow MOST effectively. Jump in to connect through warm introductions to new clients and opportunities. Let’s choose talk and trade over danger and death.

Mon, May 17 – Recording What Comes after COVID? LATAM Outlook
Tuesday, May 18 – What You Need to Know about Mexico Law Changes
Tuesday, May 18 – Globinar Metro Meetup GC LOS ANGELES
Tues-Thur, May 18-20 – Webinar Orange Country World Trade Week
Wed, May 19 – Globinar What It Takes to be a Successful Entrepreneur MANILA
Wednesday, May 19 – Globinar Metro Meetup GC SOFIA
Wed-Fri, May 19-21 – Webinar Food & Beverage innovation SHANGHAI
Thurs, May 20 – Globinar Make Google My Business Work for Your Business
Thursday, May 20 – Metro Meetup GC TEL AVIV
Thursday, May 20 – Metro Meetup NEW YORK CITY
Thurs, May 20 – Webinar How Covid Has Impacted Immigration
Friday, May 21 – Virtual League of OpportunitiesMonday, May 24 – Metro PHOENIX Advisory Board
Tuesday, May 25 – Globinar Metro Meetup GC ACCRA
Tuesday, May 25 – On Clubhouse The Way Forward with Africa
Wed. May 26 – Cross Metro Meetup MUMBAI and PUERTO RICO
Wednesday, May 26 – Global Women Online Networking
Wed. May 26 – Metro Meetup Northern COLORADO / WY / MT
Thurs, May 27 – Cross Metro DENVER, CHICAGO & CINCINNATI
Thurs. May 27 – Globinar CA versus TX Advantages to Locate in Either State
Thurs. May 27 – Webinar Seeking Sustainable Fashion NEW YORK CITY
Thurs. May 27 – Virtual Global Dining, Focus on the Philippines
Friday, May 28 – Virtual League of Extraordinaries (members only
)Wed, June 2 – Globinar Small Businesses Can Grow Globally, Too
Wed, June 2 – Webinar Exporting to China w/ Thunderbird & GC
Thurs. Jun 3 – Globinar LONDON Series: Maximize Growth Out of Lockdown
Thurs, Jun 3 – Design for Being Global-Ready by ParlamINT-GlobalSaké
Tuesday, June 8 – Webinar Horasis Annual Global Meeting
Fri, Jun 11 – Power Pitch for Funding GC DENVER, CHICAGO & NYC 
Thursday, Jun 17 – Globinar LONDON Series: Strategy for the New Normal
Thursday, Jun 17 – Cross Metro TOKYO and NEW YORK CITY  Globinar What You NEED to Know, re: Mexico – May 18 Mike Patterson of Spencer Fane has made us aware of big changes in Mexican employment law that you need to know. Join us Tuesday, May 18th to learn from experts. 


Your Invitation to Submit Your 'Breaking News', 'Latest Business Development' or Desire to Buy or Sell a Business

Hello, Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce Members,

We are inviting our Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce Member team of correspondents to submit original news reports and media alerts.  We are confident this information will be useful, accurate and informative. We, also encourage you to re-post these news items on your online platforms.

PacRim CC is also launching a new service that will allow you to buy and sell your small business. This campaign will be launched on February 12, 2021 (02/12/21)

The articles published herein, have been edited and revised to fit our editorial guidelines.  That is,  to provide the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce Membership, (comprised of twenty four nations and representing over 400, 000 sole proprietors)  with the news that is compelling and serves to enhance the connectivity between people that are pursuing their dreams and making a  living doing so. 

Articles appearing in this website are either original reportage or syndicated news that has been vetted by Mr. Holmes Stoner, Founder of the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce and the Pacific Rim Business Council.  The articles printed are arbitrated by Mr. Holmes Stoner. Mr. Stoner, a resident of Marina del Rey, California and an esteemed Ambassador-at-Large throughout the Pacific Rim’s twenty-four nations. 

Best attempts are made to provide objective reporting that does not adhere or advance any political line, religious persuasion or advance any sovereign nation over another.   Our goal is to enhance and further a dialogue among peoples around the globe.

As a standing member of the Pacific Chamber of Commerce you and your associates and colleagues are invited to share with your fellow members stories of your achievements, developments in your business, insights on how to improve engagement with other businesses, clients and customers. 

You may also use the Pacific Rim CC website as a platform to advance and circulate information that advances environmental conservation, cultural interchange and robust trade with participating members. 

Submit your media alerts, press releases, stories, insights or news of your achievements in a Word form document.  Limit your submission to less than 400 words.  Also attach a jpeg photo or illustration and a headline.  Include your company logo or trade mark and submit a publishing fee of $25.USD.  Your article will be featured on the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce website within 48 hours after receipt and in some cases aggregated on AdAvenueGroup’s news and media outlets  and publish, proprietary websites and down line of 1.8 million editors, reporters, bloggers and influencers for an additional optional fee. 

Email to  Attention Cristiane Roget , Senior Editor, 310- 220-9118 EST

Purchase Submission  25.00$ –  [purchase_link id=”3290″ text=”Purchase 25.00$” style=”button” color=”yellow”]


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