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Holmes Stoner – Founder of the Green Alliance international and the American International Chamber of Commerce Green Alliance International is to Participate in the Annual CC Forum ‘Investment in Sustainable Development’ Monaco, Feb 2022 TBD

June 9, 2021 FINAL DRAFT

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A pinspot Cristiane Roget_Covid Head Shot.jpg by: Cristiane Roget, Sr. Correspondent AdAvenue Group, Forbes France

Los Angeles/CA Son of the late Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly , Prince Albert II, a five-time Olympic bobsledder, will preside over the 4th iteration of the annual CC Forum, July 6 to 8 to unfurl in the Principality of Monaco. In recent years, Prince Albert is distinguished as a global environmental campaigner and enthusiastically welcomes the Post- Covid global convocation.

Orchestrated and organized by Mr. Max Stoudennikoff, Chairman, the CCForum promotes Investment in Sustainable Development around the world.

As the world cautiously returns from a financial brink brought on, in great part, by a global virus that inflicted enormous economic damage; this year’s CC Forum is intent on redirecting a general malaise fraught with anxiety to explore and implement “Investment in Sustainable Development”.

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Holmes Stoner – Founder Green Alliance International and Madame Xiaoqiu Ma

“Predictably a game changer, this year’s proceeding will witness leaders of the world and their powerful financial institutions to invest resources in green technology, renewable energy and affordable housing. The overriding goal is to instill dignity and prosperity among the world’s disfranchised populations, now and for generations to come as well as creating solutions for the environmental problems in today’s world,” states Mr. Holmes Stoner, Chairman of the AICC and Green Alliance International represented in Europe by Ms. Isabel Jimenez, Director of External Affairs. They will represent the interests of their constituents around the world.

Mr. Holmes Stoner serves as a distinguished, de facto Ambassador-at-Large who is in demand as a keynote speaker with audiences in Asia, South America, and the United States. As a vocal advocate, “of sustainable and affordable pre-manufactured housing as the observable solution in reversing the catastrophic need for affordable and ‘green’ housing”, Stoner states stewarding this cause has become his “life’s mission”. As Founder of the Pacific Rim Business Council, Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce and Green Alliance International, his organizations represent 24 nations with 400,000 active small business and micro business members.

Like many, Stoner refers to the CC Forum as “Green Davos”. That is the basic tenets emulate those of next generation visionaries like WAGMI * Think Tank , an international think tank’. That is to ‘solve problems by tackling solutions that improve the condition (with empathy) of all those living on this planet ‘.

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HRH Prince Albert II of Monaco attedning the CC Forum’s VIP reception and Max Studennikoff President of CC Forum

Likewise the mission of CC Forum – a conference that is dedicated 100% to investment in sustainability will see Maestro Placido Domingo, His Highness Sheikh Awadh Majrin bin Sultan, Stanley Johnson, Environmental campaigner, Julian Lennon Song-writer, philanthropist, H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein Industrie-und Finanzkontor ETS Executive Chairman and HH Shaikha Noora Al Khalifa of the Kingdom of Bahrain among 100’s that include world influencers, scientists, journalists, environmentalists and civic leaders. A series of talks and roundtable sessions are scheduled to address the myriad issues facing our world today. Tantamount to these mandates Climate Change and advancing solutions to Global Warming by accelerating the transition to a low-carbon global economy through finance and science.

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Maestro Placido Domingo, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, Laurent Tapie, Max Studennikoff with the legenday Delage 12 hybrid car ( 1100 hp, $2.5 Mil)

With foremost business leaders, policy makers and public figures defining the course of action for preserving the planet and those who inhabit it, “We should collectively confront the existential challenges we are all facing today including climate change, fossil-fuel-based economies, overpopulation, and poverty to name but a few,” states Stoner. ” In accordance with Sustainable Development Goals (SIM) set by the United Nations, topics center around investment in EnvironmentRenewable Energies, Health Care , Emerging Technologies EducationSocial Inclusion and Philanthropy. We are connecting the brightest startups to the savviest of investors”.

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Holmes Stoner – Founder Green Alliance International and Mayor of Long Beach Bob Foster

“In a time when there is an acute sensitivity to the importance of inclusivity respect for diversity, locally to globally, it is notable the dearth of women and those of Asian, Latino, and African speakers and guests participating in this prestigious global gathering. This is a matter that could be easily remedied in future CC Forum’s”, opined Mr. Stoner. Our goal is to educate and assist our worldwide members to be better environmental citizens seeing they are responsible for the bulk of violations that occur each day.

Mr. Stoner has spent over 20 years traveling globally and speaking to leaders in governments and business about the dangerous situation in today’s world and what needs to be done to address it. His inclusion enhances this effort and will bring more attention to the saving of our precious environment.

Holmes H. Stoner Jr.Chairman
American International Chamber of Commerce
Pacific Rim Business Council
Green Alliance International
310 437 9084


Private Companies
Green Alliance International
Gateway Entry Systems

Media Inquiries
Cristiane Roget
Sr. Correspondent

Your Invitation to Submit Your 'Breaking News', 'Latest Business Development' or Desire to Buy or Sell a Business

Hello, Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce Members,

We are inviting our Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce Member team of correspondents to submit original news reports and media alerts.  We are confident this information will be useful, accurate and informative. We, also encourage you to re-post these news items on your online platforms.

PacRim CC is also launching a new service that will allow you to buy and sell your small business. This campaign will be launched on February 12, 2021 (02/12/21)

The articles published herein, have been edited and revised to fit our editorial guidelines.  That is,  to provide the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce Membership, (comprised of twenty four nations and representing over 400, 000 sole proprietors)  with the news that is compelling and serves to enhance the connectivity between people that are pursuing their dreams and making a  living doing so. 

Articles appearing in this website are either original reportage or syndicated news that has been vetted by Mr. Holmes Stoner, Founder of the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce and the Pacific Rim Business Council.  The articles printed are arbitrated by Mr. Holmes Stoner. Mr. Stoner, a resident of Marina del Rey, California and an esteemed Ambassador-at-Large throughout the Pacific Rim’s twenty-four nations. 

Best attempts are made to provide objective reporting that does not adhere or advance any political line, religious persuasion or advance any sovereign nation over another.   Our goal is to enhance and further a dialogue among peoples around the globe.

As a standing member of the Pacific Chamber of Commerce you and your associates and colleagues are invited to share with your fellow members stories of your achievements, developments in your business, insights on how to improve engagement with other businesses, clients and customers. 

You may also use the Pacific Rim CC website as a platform to advance and circulate information that advances environmental conservation, cultural interchange and robust trade with participating members. 

Submit your media alerts, press releases, stories, insights or news of your achievements in a Word form document.  Limit your submission to less than 400 words.  Also attach a jpeg photo or illustration and a headline.  Include your company logo or trade mark and submit a publishing fee of $25.USD.  Your article will be featured on the Pacific Rim Chamber of Commerce website within 48 hours after receipt and in some cases aggregated on AdAvenueGroup’s news and media outlets  and publish, proprietary websites and down line of 1.8 million editors, reporters, bloggers and influencers for an additional optional fee. 

Email to  Attention Cristiane Roget , Senior Editor, 310- 220-9118 EST

Purchase Submission  25.00$ –  [purchase_link id=”3290″ text=”Purchase 25.00$” style=”button” color=”yellow”]


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